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Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


2009 - 2010

A. Goal ( Tujuan Umum )

               Sebagai salah satu kegiatan ekstrakurikuler di SMPN 1 Selong, klub ini merupakan bentuk keperdulian sekolah akan adanya kebutuhan siswa untuk mengaktualisasikan diri dengan berekspresi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Lebih dari itu, siswa dipersiapkan untuk mengikuti lomba-lomba Bahasa Inggris baik tingkat kecamatan, kabupaten, dan nasional yang diharapkan mampu membawa nama  baik bagi SMPN 1 Selong dengan prestasi yang gemilang.

B. Objective ( Tujuan Khusus )

ü  Memotivasi siswa, khususnya anggota English Club untuk berani dan terbiasa berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.
ü  Memotivasi dan membimbing siswa untuk bisa menghasilkan karya dan prestasi, baik dalam bentuk lisan dan tulisan.
ü  Memfasilitasi siswa untuk bisa mengekspresikan diri dengan menggunakan             Bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk pembinaan: Mendongeng, Permainan Scrabble dan Mading.

C.  Sasaran Kegiatan
1. Siswa –siswi RSBI   : karena klub ini terbentuk untuk mendukung program RSBI sehingga diharapkan semua siswa-siswi RSBI ikut  terlibat didalamnya.
      2. Siswa–siswi Reguler :Siswa-siswi reguler dengan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang bagus baik lisan dan tulisan dan memiliki keinginan kuat untuk membuktikan dan meningkatkan  ketrampilan ber-Bahasa Inggris.
D.  Bentuk Kegiatan
      Mengikuti kegiatan mingguan yang sesuai dengan bakat, minat dan kemampuan anak berupa pembinaan:
1.      Story Telling
Pembinaan siswa untuk bisa mandiri dan kreatif dalam mendongeng cerita-cerita rakyat, legenda, dan fabel dari dalam dan luar negeri dengan penguasaan konsep cerita yang optimal baik dari segi penyampaian dan memberi kesimpulan atas isi cerita. Sebelumnya siswa dibimbing pelafalan, intonasi dan produksi suara yang tepat sesuai dengan karakter tokoh dalam isi dongeng. Selanjutnya siswa diarahkan untuk bisa mengekspresikan tokoh-tokoh dalam dongeng  dan pendongeng itu sendiri dengan gerak tubuh dan mimikri yang tepat. Sehingga siswa diharapakan untuk mampu menyampaikan isi cerita dengan memunculkan karakter tokoh pada gerak tubuhnya dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat dan jelas. Lebih dari itu untuk mempersiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti ajang lomba-lomba seni ber-Bahasa Inggris, seperti FLS2N ( Festival dan Lomba Seni Siswa Nasional  ) yang salah satu mata lombanya adalah Story Telling.

2.      Permainan Scrabble
Permainan yang berupa penguasaan kosakata ini merupakan juga salah satu mata lomba yang lumayan rumit tapi menyenangkan. Sehingga ini memotivasi siswa-siswi English club untuk memasukkannya sebagai salah satu bentuk kegiatannya. Dengan bermodalkan papan scrable dan perlengakapannya beserta kamus siswa bisa memainkannya semudah mungkin dengan sebelumnya menentukan empat orang siswa sebagai pemain, satu orang sebagai penghitung poin ( Scorer ), penghitung waktu giliran ( time counter ), dan satu orang lagi sebagai word checker yakni memeriksa kata bentukan dari pemain di kamus. Biasanya masing-masing pemain memiliki minimal satu menit untuk bisa menentukan kata sebelum pamain berikutnya. Jadi dalam satu papan Scrabble ada tujuh orang siswa yang terlibat.

3.      Wall Magazine ( MADING )
Kegiatan ini terbentuk karena sebagian anggota English Club merupakan anak-anak yang suka menulis dan sangat mengargai karya tulisan orang lain sehingga dijadikanlah MADING termasuk dalam pembinaannya. Terbentuk dari tiga orang siswa sebagai koordinator untuk menangani dan mengatur pelaksanaan kegiatan MADING dan dibantu oleh beberapa orang siswa sebagai anggota. Karya karya tulis dari baik anggota English Club sendiri dan dari siswa-siswi diluar English Club ditampung oleh koordinator untuk dikoreksi dan diedit oleh pembina untuk selanjutnya dipajang di MADING.

E.   Struktur Pelaksana Kegiatan
·         Story telling
1.      Pembina          : Erni Hartini, S.Pd.
2.      Koordinator    : 1. Sirka Ayu Laksmi
                             2. Tanisa Larasati
                             3. Pipin
3.   Anggota          :
1.         Siti Hafiza Hasrianti
2.         Shofwatunnida
3.         Winda
4.         Siti Rohmatullah
5.         fatimah
6.         Redya
7.         Rega
8.         Wanti
9.         Jannatul fia
10.     Erdinal
11.     Reza

12.     Ratna
13.     Puput
14.     Rani
15.     Mizan
16.     Rita
17.     Mahesa
18.     Dedy
19.     Ria
20.     Tiwi
21.     Sultan

·         Scrabble
1.      Pembina          : Erni Hartini, S.Pd.
2.      Koordinator    : 1. Erdinal Faris A.
                             2. Mizanul Khair
                             3. Rezanul Iqbal
3.   Anggota          :
1.   Siti Hafiza Hasrianti
2.   Mahesa
3.   Siti Rohmatullah
4.   Sirka Ayu L.
5.   Dedi A.
6.   Redya
7.   Shofwatunnida
8.   Tanisa Larasati
9.   Winda
10.     Marizka
11.     Sultan
12.     Jannatul fia
13.     Rita
14.     Ria
15.     Rega
16.     Ratna
17.     Pipin
18.     Puput

·         MADING
1.      Pembina          : Erni Hartini, S. Pd.
2.      Koordinator    : 1. Shofwatunnida Septarini
                             2. Siti Hafizha Hasrianti
                             3. Siti Rohmatullah
3.   Anggota          :
1. Erdinal Faris A.
2. Mahesa
3. Tanisa Larasati
4. Sirka Ayu L.
5. Dedi A.
6. Winda
7. Pipin
8. Ratna
9. Redya
10. Mizanul K.
11.  Marizka
12.  Sultan
13.  Jannatul Fia
14.  Iga
15.  Rita
16.  Rani
17.  Ria
18.  Puput
19.  Rega
20.  Wanti
F.   Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Koordinator
          Masing-masing kegiatan ini dilaksanakan  setiap hari Minggu di sekolah, dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

Tugas Dan Tanggung Jawab
1.   Story Telling
1.      Menyampaikan informasi dari pembina kepada anggota tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pembinaan Story Telling.
2.      Mencari cerita –cerita Naratif  baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri untuk persiapan latihan
3.      Bersama-sama pembina menentukan topik cerita yang akan dipelajari.
4.      Mengetik konsep dongeng untuk selanjutnya digandakan oleh pembina dan dibagikan kepada anggota untuk dipelajari.
2.   Scrabble
1.      Menyampaikan informasi dari pembina kepada anggota tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pembinaan Scrabble.
2.      Mengabsen anggota yang hadir.
3.      Menentukan pemain, word checker, score person, time person tiap-tiap grup scrable setiap latihan.
4.      Mengarahkan alur  permainan dan menginformasikan tehnik dan prosedur permainan.
3.      Wall Magazine ( MADING )
1.      Menyampaikan informasi dari pembina kepada anggota tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pembinaan MADING.
2.      Menentukan batasan waktu pengumpulan naskah materi Mading.
3.      Menentukan tata letak daripada materi mading yang sebelumnya telah di konsultasikan kepada pembina .
4.      Mengajak dan mengarahkan anggota untuk mengatur tata letak dan penempelan materi mading.

G.  Perlengkapan  Kegiatan
   Untuk mendukung kelancaran terlaksananya masing-masing kegiatan dibutuhkan beberapa kelengkapan sebagai  berikut :    

  1. Story telling
ü  Buku-buku cerita rakyat baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri
ü  Penggandaan naskah story telling.

2.      Scrabble
ü  Papan scrabble dan kelengkapannya
ü  Kamus

3.      Mading
ü  Stereo foam ( 2 Inchi )
ü  Push pin
ü  Lem
ü  Kertas kado perak
ü  Kertas kado Gold
ü  Kertas lipat origami
ü  Kertas Lilin hitam

ü  Double tape
ü  Isolasi
ü  Pita jepang
ü  Lak ban
ü  Cutter
ü  Gunting
ü  Stapler + isi



“ Mastering science and technology to build creativity of young  generation to support the spirit of  Menuju NTB bersaing
Compossed by : Erni Hartini
                Some people believe that mastering the science and technology proved that they have belonged to proper knowledge. Surely it can’t be denied that it is a trend and lifestyle to apply technology in every part of life. Then people compete to apply their creativity to design products of science and technology. The impact of this raise many kind and easy use products that customer is also competing to have it. The advance phenomena about science and technology has caused many effects towards human life that nowdays they seem tend to depend on the proper gain of having knowledge in science and technology reflects their succeding in life. That’s the great thing about the effect of mastering science and technology. Surely it may causing the bad effect too. So many people is able to master it so many effects will be raised too. As the matter of facts people creativity won’t let them stop being innovative so unconsciously they may produce something reallly different with others without taking any granted whether  it’s proper or improper.
            Anyway on this occasion I wont argue more about the advantage and disadvantage of mastering science and technology, but a little bit down to the theme of this speech is about how to build our creativity as student through mastering science and technology.
            In our real life as student won’t be able to manage anything without having knowledge about science and technology. It seems like this aspect has encountered our conscciousness to be able to apply it instead of mastering it. So as student it will really helpful to support our learning process by mastering technology. A simple example is we may write the assignment on computer with  many variety of forms and designs on the application program provided. So we can create a beautiful composition of writing even presentation on it. And we  may search unlimited information from the websites to find out many things about what we are learning so far. This is the main proof on how we create our creativity on mastering science and technology , so we are easily helped to break our curiousity about anything we seek related to our subjects at school.  Beyond this, technology actually really helpful to accompany the student being creative and innovative.  
            However we should be able to apply our science and technology skill in a responsible ways. Don’t make it as an excuse to let us create something would harm our life in the future. And just remind ourselves by reciting our holy book Al-Quran that Allah commanded us to keep the good will in our heart so however smart we are in science and technology we suppose to be able to spend it in the right order. If we don’t, surely it would ruin our life. This is what our God says on the Surah Ghafir  point: 40
   What can I assume from the point is that we supppose to be able to spend our knowledge in the right ways so the God blessing would be in our side as the return. 
And I hope from this point we can have a spirit to master science and technology “but not to have predicate on master”, but we are expected to learn it as only to have Allah’s mercies. So from this we are sure that Allah will bless us with the easiest thing on how we can build our creativity through mastering science and technology. “Where there is a good will there will be a good way”.
Finally, to conclude my speech today is we are as the young generation of West Nusa Tenggara  supposed to be wisely can figure out what is the best to do on mastering science and technology as it may escorted us to be better or worst person in the future. Then building the creativity through mastering science and technology will depend on how we perceive and apply the responsibility of us as moslem student. So if you have built a good faith in your heart however master you are in science and technology will lead you to create the blessing creativity. And I hope this is one of important ways to help our govermment to reach the spirit of “ Menuju NTB Bersaing”.

“ How to increase the culture of discipline in the heart of our next generation to support the program of Menuju NTB bersaing
Compossed by : Erni Hartini
            Discipline is a noun that on Oxford Dictionary means that training ourselves to produce self control so we  have a habit of obedience. From this we may conclude that “discipline” is a spirit of how to control our mind and character so we can obey anything for granted.
To run our own life we need to build the culture of discipline of any rule we’ve made, or obey the rule in our religion and even the rule in our government system.
Let’s recite Al-Quran that our Almighty God guide us to be discipline on surah Al-Bayyinah point 5 :
 “ They were commanded instead of praying to Allah by purifying the obedience to get Allah’s mercy on the straight way and in order to commanded them to do Shalat and pay their Zakat as it is the straightest way of faith”.
From this we are sure as moslem that our own religion guide us to be discipline.
Being  succeed person is  for sure we have  passed our succeeding through discipline way. And it is not merely discipline on any rules were made but also discipline in arranging the time, discipline on what should we do and what is should not. 
So we are STUDENT as the young generation should accustom to be  discipline in every ways. Both in our own school life and at home. If we have any consideration to manage our life disciplinary, the easiest thing come over so we feel comfortable and enjoy to do our activities. Just proof  it !
Let’s take for example as a student should wake up early in the morning to prepare ourselves for school. Our daily habit as a moslem student before leaving for school  is praying Shubuh, then we have breakfast first before take a bath or take a bath first then having breakfast. These such regular activities  is the implementation of being discipline.
            I believe discipline will be easy to do as if there is a desire to do it. Some people consider that being discipline a hundred percent will be hard to do. Above all we have to build our own spirit as if there’s no need to make it real, I’m sure we are gonna put our life into trouble. Let’s consider the example, again as a student. We have to do assignment as usual so if we take too much counts and laziness to do it means that you’re gonna face the other assignment as addition. In one case you figure out how would you make it to submit it on time and the other, you would think hard how can you get away from teacher’s punishment. Surely it would damn your thoughts even your life. Can we live on that kind of situation securely ? Of course not..................................................................
That’s the proof of not being discipline as student.

            Build the culture of being discipline is indeed a little bit difficult at first but if we go through it slowly but surely willing to make it true , we may put ourselves unconsciously in it. Perhaps, many easiest things come closer on  however hard our job will be. We may find everything seems enjoyable as there is no forces of whether we want to do it right now or later that at last we have to decide to do that right away.

            Then by having such willingness to be discipline, I’m sure we also can guarantee ourselves that we are about to support our Province government program to reach the “ NTB bersaing” spirit. The real proof is now I can stand here to deliver my speech as the fact that I need to express my English as well as to support the government program through NWDI anniversary agendas. As God will, I suppose this is how I can put my discipline of learning English at school by joining this competition. And I hope it will grand me with fabulous experience and mercy from Allah SWT.  

            At last, as the conclusion on my speech today is that the simplest way to increase the culture of being discipline is by building a spirit in our heart to do it willingly as we wish we may get good return in the future.


Written by : Alfiatuzzahrok 7C
Edited by   : Erni Hartini

In our daily life we may find some cases of drugs abusement. All part of our society may consume it freely. It can be taken by children to adult though they know well that certain drugs can damage their body.
One major reason of consuming drugs is for relaxation, releasing our feeling from stress to have ‘calmness’ effect. Unluckily, consuming too much drugs without proper dosage may got us in danger situation that can destruct metabolism in our body. The addicted person  can’t sleep and think well as his brain got damage. And then they got no good appetite of eating.
Instead, those certain drugs are used for specific purpose for medical needs. The use can’t be allowed for daily use as it is restricted to certain condition. If it is used freely may cause dangerous effect for the consumer. So our government from the ministry of health had decided and announced the rule of using those drugs. Unfortunately, the cases of consuming drugs still increasing every year eventhough our government had sent those arrested consumers to the jail and having a room for rehabilitation. More over the consumer had themselves caught in the act during in the jail. They got themselves too addicted that they can’t free from consuming those drugs.
Try to take a look at our teens environment now. It seems like a modern life be interpreted as having an obligation of knowing and trying something new then consuming drugs is the most curious thing to do. One try will leads to another tries that they can’t release themselves after got stuck inside. Without taking any protecting ways to save their own lives they seems like being proud of consume it. As the result the final thing they realize will be the needs to take rehabilitation, that for sure they will leave school for no certain time. Their rights to have education has gone. What a pity teens will be them. Living without good education is for sure a sign failure in managing our own life.
So, we are as the young generation of this lovely country should think wisely in deciding what’s best and worst for our life. All we can do is for sure for the goodness to have a better life to reach our dream. Whatever would be we are in the future, to make it real just do and put the things right on its way. It means that everything we do as students is surely what  a student should do without leaving our obligation as a moslem to always pray and ask for the best to our Almighty God Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala.

Performed by SPENSASEL English Club students
creative designed by: Erni Hartini

Narrator :

MusiC Opening  (kecial habary232 )
Once upon a time in a small city called Selong lived a young mother with her two beautiful daughters.  The older was Winda and the younger was Chicka. They had different attitude Winda was serious person and emotional while her sister is so childish. Until one day a quarrel between them blew out their bad temper that their mother couldnt calm them down. At last she decided to get away from them to meet her husband on the other city that they both were so sorry for this.......And here is the story.


..........( a rooster's voice,,,,,,,,,,,,then bird's )........
Mommy : Chika ...morning honey.......come on wake up. Today is Sunday. And the sun is shining so brightly
Chicka    : Huaaaam,,,,, No mommy I wanna have my Sunday longer on the bed.
Mommy : Hey,,,don’t  you rememeber you have duty.......on.....
Chicka    : Please mommy my sister can hand it over she’s the best. ,,,heh....this is the only time I’ll ever had for my week.
Mommy : Okay you bet.......I’ll go. Sleep well........
Chicka    : Thanks mom.......Huuuaaaam ( get back to sleep )
Music Rihanna track 1 ( until second- 10 )regularly

Narrator :

When Chicka still fall asleep six energic and enchanting feries appeared suddenly from every angles of her room. She didn’t realize their presence. She was too sleepy. But the feries tried to make her wake up. And there they are........
Musik crazy frog WHOOMP ( until minute 1 )
Musik Limp Bizkit Take a look around ( to second 19 )

feri 1      : Huaa haa haaa....... look  at her  still sleeping ha...ha..ha...Let’s make her  awaken,,,ha..haa..
Musik Crazy Frog Magic Melody ( Dancing Sambil Mengaggu Cika Supaya Bangun ) sampai detik ke-33
Musik Britney Spears Overprotected ( beginning / to second 44 & the middle part/ starting at minute 1.55 to minute 2.24  )
Musik Simple Plan Jump ( to second 6 )
Musik Britney Spears (I’m A Slave For You ) Instrumental ( to second 49 )
Beyonce ( alarm ringing / ring the alarm ) ( to second 9 )
Rihanna if it’s loving that you want part 2  (  to second 9 ) play back regularly
Winda      : well,,well,,,well  that’s all I wanna know what you’ve done to me . This morning mama ask you doing what u should  but u just obey it .....and them...... what the hell are they doing here....... ( para peri berkeliaran keluar panggung )...........I want an answer !!!!
Chicka      : you don’t need to yell at me. Doesn’t it enough for you as a lovely sister ? I know even the whole world know,,,,,,, everything about the cake thing is always the grown up ones will do that.....and....and...why should I have that obligation........It’s not mine.......
Winda      : Yours......because you are not a child anymore. And,,,you have to.....
Chika        : no way......mama never shoot me up on that bulish thing because it was yours
Winda      : alright then....i’ll never ask you I just need a ....FREEDOM...... of warning you
Musik Kelly clarkson ( Miss Independence) the beginning to minute 21 then the middle part  start at second 51 to minute 1.20
Rihanna if it’s loving that you want part 2  ( until second 9 )play back regularly
Winda      : Are you satisfied with that ?
Chicka      : uh no for sure
Winda + chicka : Momz !!!!
Beyonce( me myself and I) start at second 4 to second 27
Music Rihanna track 1 ( until second 10 )play back regularly
Mommy  : Mommy got so sad of what you both have done  so far. What makes you always be the same. You know I got bored with this kind of situation...... Better I leave you both so you can put the things right when I come bACK. bye for you my lovely girls
Mariah carey ( Bye  bye )
Winda+chicka : Mom...No.....
Chicka    : Please mom ( crying ) This is all because of you !!!
Winda    : No I don’t mean it. Heeh,,,,, Please don’t cry ( memeluk chicka ) let’s go for her.
Chicka    : Im so sorry. It’s just because of me...... Please.... don’t say a word. Heeeh...I love you my sister
Winda    : Love you too
Music closing  ( the corrs I never loved you anyway to second 10 )play regularly until vanishing

Narrator :

So the two sisters promised to treat each other nicely and they lived happily ever after. And that’s the end of the story.
The corrs ( toss the feathers )  

 Watch the video 
 find it out on minute 14 : 49