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Senin, 11 April 2011


2008 / 2009

A. Goal ( Tujuan Umum )

      Sebagai  media untuk masyarakat pada umumnya dan pelajar pada khususnya untuk meningkatkan  dan membuktikan kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris, khusunya pada keterampilan berbicara (speaking) dan menyimak ( listening )

B. Objective ( Tujuan Khusus )

ü Memotivasi siswa, khususnya anggota English Club untuk berani dan terbiasa berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
ü Memfasilitasi siswa untuk bisa mengekspresikan diri dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris
ü Membiasakan siswa untuk menyimak kata-kata dan ungkapan-ungkapan dalam          Bahasa Inggris

ü Memotivasi masyarakat yang bisa Berbahasa Inggris untuk membuktikan kemampuan Berbahasa Ingrisnya
ü Memfasilitasi masyarakat untuk mengekspresikan ide-idenya dalam Bahasa Inggris

C.  Sasaran Kegiatan
1.Khusus : Siswa –siswi SMPN 1 Selong yang tergabung dalam English Club
      2.Umum : Pelajar, mahasiswa dan masyarakat yang tertarik dan bisa  mengekspresikan                    diri menggunakan Bahasa Inggris

D.  Bentuk Kegiatan
            Melaksanakan siaran radio secara live setiap dua kali seminggu

E.   Ruang Lingkup Kegiatan

          Program siaran yang akan dilaksanakan berbentuk live dengan nama program “ Hello LbC ! “ dan terbagi dalam dua segmen yang masing –masing berdurasi 120 menit. Dengan rincian sebagai berikut :

08:00 – 10:00
It’s all about us
~Memperkenalkan anggota-
  anggota English Club
~Menceritakan pengalaman
  pribadi anggota English Club
~Berbagi opini antar anggota
  English Club tentang topik
~Membahas materi-materi
  pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
  yang telah diberikan
~Berbagi ide, tips, dan
  masukan dari sebuah
  permasalahan yang dibahas
16:00- 18:00
Get Touch In !
~Berbagi opini tentang topik
  tertentu dengan
  mengundang pendengar
  untuk ikut interaktif
  memberikan ide,saran dan
  berbagi pengalaman melalui
  layanan telepon dan SMS
~Melayani pendengar untuk
  meminta lagu-lagu
  berbahasa Inggris dan
  menyapa orang lain melalui
  layanan telepon

F.   Penyedia Program Kegiatan

      Stasiun Radio           : LbC  ( Lombok Ceria )
      Frekwensi                 : 94,7 FM
      Alamat                     : Jalan Diponegoro No.16 seruni selong, LOTIM
      Telepon                    : (0376) 23219

G.  Pelaksana Program Kegiatan

      1.      Kru dari Radio LbC
               a.Penanggung Jawab                                    : Didik Hudriadi
               b.Operator                                                    : Rifi Rusman
               c.Tehnisi/editor                                            : Kirman
      2.      a.Pembina English Club/Host                      : Erni Hartini,S.Pd.
               b.Anggota-anggota English Club                : Nama-nama anggota terlampir

H.  Alokasi Waktu Produksi siaran

      1 X produksi                              = 1 minggu => 2 X siaran
      1  bulan                                      = 4 x 2 ( siaran )
                                                         = 8 X siaran
      1 semester                                  = 6 x 4 x 2 siaran
                                                         = 48 X siaran


Certain ideas on Kangguru Magazine shared on the show particularly how is the English used in Australia.

Studying the script and discussing the material for the show while waiting for their turn.
Read the dialogue to master the expressions and turn taking. Also took a dead curiosity of how to conduct a broadcasting system.


Being operator and the main announcer should right in front of the computer as you call it “Disk Jockey”

The other members took part on the show to receive the phone caller's line in case of “phone interactive” session.
 The members managed the show on their 

own. It had after two months guidance


Big gratitude goes to everyone in LBC for the warm welcoming on every shows we made.

Then a huge thanks adressed too for you as still being the member of “Spensasel” English club.


Two half years ago in a small busy town of East Lombok called Selong had been connected four hearts of the very common human beings became one for all and all for one. It’s just because went on a special occasion to join a competition namely Story Telling. They flew to one of the extravagant cities of Indonesia, Paris van Java where the big ceremony of FLS2N took place. They took along six days staying in a fashionable building called boutique hotel of ‘Serela’.
The small fat lady was the teens’ coach. She’s so meaning in everything for the teens’ succeding. She motivated and inspired them to do their best. Sometimes she’s jerk, talkative and domineering to the teens instead of being totally a missing friend that they could do some girls talk, singing and even dancing. Anyhow she’s not kind of an easy person you may ask for going shopping. She’s just a spend little money for a big thing lady.

She’s the oldest. She played a very popular character of little red riding   hood on the competition. Her appearance supported her so much that the story was succeed  performed into the province level.
She was Intong, That’s just the coach called her. And she went with that without  argue. Actually she hadn’t been elected to join the competition; luckily she replaced her senior who got no required to join it as the matter of her age. She played Hensel and Gretel. Imagine she used to wear the @#7&^%& costume performing that.
She’ the youngest and full of imagination being a princess. That’s support her performance to play Rapunzel. In Sasak Pancor phrase she was “Rapunzel lengan Bermi”. She was indeed independent girl but how poor the coach was. She made the coach went on a mess because of she got bus sick. furthermore she threw everything of her depth stomach out.... that made all the other coaches made a sad face for the lady :(...... ( E_123_N )

2 komentar:

  1. hashahaha that's pict remeberng me of something..
    miss this club..
    upload more photo yak :)

    Sweet Girl

  2. thanks !
    why didnt share ur experience on being spensa EC member ?
